Anthony Gormley makes some fantastic sculptures based on the human figure; his sculptures are of simplistic bodily forms, with no finer detail added.
This particular sculpture was one of Anthony Gormleys earliest pieces named ‘three ways: Mould Hole and passage’ he uses three simple body poses, each form is a simplified figure, cast in lead.
As its title suggests, three ways is linked to the processes of making and penetrating a body, but also represents perception and awareness. He uses his own body as the starting point to express a multitude of perceptions of the human experience.
I like his use of simple forms and figures, his work is the opposite of cluttered and is far from personal, witch makes it easy for the wider audience to relate to.
Id like to try a small sculpture, with these ideas in mind to represent identity. Id like to create something quite inpersonal so that it relates to the wider audience.