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This is a test sample of the sperm cell baby heads that will be inside the inner plinth, this is just a test sample but I am quite pleased with the result. The reason it the sperm cell baby heads have closed eyes, is because the baby at the top has opened eyes. This shows the progression from the sperm cells which alone do not create a life, to where the sperm meets the egg and becomes whole, and life begins. The open eyed baby symbolises this spark of life which is created when the sperm meets the egg.

Things that could be improved on include the overall design of the sperm cell baby head, and like to do some research on to the actual visual appearance of sperm cells, and try and merge them together with the baby’s head in a way that looks convincing, disturbing but also visually appealing at the same time. Also the face will be smoother and more refined in the final pieces.

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