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for the second test sample I created a section of plinth wall, or how the wall of the plinth will be decorated once it is completed. To create this test sample I took a circular piece of wood and scrunched up some paper and placed it on top, I then took some foil and wrapped in foil pressing in the lumps and bumps to create a strange naturalistic lumpy bumpy effect.

I then got some mod rock and randomly placed it over the surface area making sure to cover all of the foil, I try to do is roughly as possible and for the final year I drifted down while hanging from a height that it looked like it was dripping.

The outer wall of the planes should be covered with tiny baby forms that almost blend in to their surroundings, for this I used to be reforms that I created myself using terracotta. I do have a mould which will create most of the baby forms but I want their appearance to be varied, so I will create some myself with different poses and postures to the moulded ones.

I then painted over their entire segment with payables reds and browns and bloodied Blacks, to try and make it look quite disgusting and gross. I wanted to have a medical sort of appearance but not normal or natural, is whether purple comes in it’s a great colour show the kind of texture that I am trying to put across. I’m very happy with the way this has turned out it wasn’t too difficult to makes I am excited about decorating the wooden plinth once it has been finished in woodwork.

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