Jylian Gustlin combines elements of modern technology with traditional teqniques to create artworks that are truly unique, her artwork and the layers and patterns are often compared in those made by computers and graphic design.
Jylian left college just short of achieving her degree in computer science and mathematics. She was clearly quite driven by the technology explosion of Silicon Valley, witch took off in sansfransisco, her home town. This knowledge of technology, its processes and the mechanics of it, many believe to be the most influential factor in her style of work.
She works with two- part epoxy resin, oil paints and acrylics, charcoal, pastel, gold leaf, wax and graphite on board, she also produces a wide range of texture and movement by drawing, painting and scratching mediums onto her surfaces.
Her use of figures is what I’m mainly interested in; her figures have always been an important part of her work and repertoire. Often set in a patchy, layered, strange landscape, with a futuristic and technological quality to them. Her style is distinctly recognizable, and even though her figures are not fully formed people, that’s ok, because they still give a sense of place and life-like quality with there posture and colour. I actually think that they are more affective then fully formed people because you have to rely on the colour posture and composition alone to work out the feeling of the painting, rather than more obvious visual cues such as body language and facial expression.
She was heavily influenced by her lifelong love of the Bay Area Figurative Artists, witch I also plan to research, I also plan to go forward with my painting od the figure with baby and hands and experiment